Barney Meets Opie Way Up North

KillBarney traveling Tripawds Barney tour takes Barney north to Fairbanks Alaska for a visit with glaucomys sabrinus and opie.

Wow. We had to adjust the KillBarney Tour Map preview for this one. Our little purple friend has made it even further north! This just in from our three legged friend, Opie in Fairbanks, Alaska …

Barney came to visit me in Fairbanks, Alaska!  You know, I couldn’t wait to get my jowls on Barney, but when he arrived and mom let me take him out of the box, I couldn’t bring myself to tear him apart like I planned.  He stunk sooooo good.

Through Barney, I got to meet Caira Sue, Queen Nova, Gerry, Maggie the tri-pug (as well as her sisters), and Maggie the cow dog (although I have a sneaky suspicion that Maggie is really Ursus the Karilean Bear Dog, who had to be relocated by the witness protection program, because her cover was blown by a savvy Kodiak Brown bear.)  Oops.  I hope I didn’t out her.

Barney got to have a few adventures while he was here.  He went to the Trans-Alaska Pipeline.  He accompanied me to the office with Mom.  He went to work with us Saturday, too.   This day of work was outside.  Yay!  Mom and I like the outside work.  At Chena Lake, Barney learned how to recognize animal signs (I was wishing for an owl to come swooping down and get him, but no luck there…stupid nocturnal birds.)

He  acquired a few tricks on how to stay alive if he ever found himself in a winter survival situation. (Which he did, because last night I forgot him in a snowbank in the yard, and he was still intact this morning, so… yeah.) He also learned how to fish through the ice (When Mom wasn’t looking, I tried to drown him in one of the ice holes.)  My mom said having Barney visit was almost the same as having a real person visit because she had to think up interesting things to do and see.

I have to apologize, to all the other tripawds, because I pretty much soft-mouthed Barney.  I didn’t break skin…  I gave him a good shaking every now and then, but didn’t do any damage.  Yeah, yeah, I know.  I barked the bark, but didn’t hop the hop.  I’m afraid somebody else is going to have to kill Barney.

More about Barney’s visit on my blog soon!

Where is Barney now?

Another Barney blast from Jerry’s past while we wait for word of Barney’s arrival at his next destination on the KillBarney Tour.

Barney is apparently missing in action once again, or at least in transit we hope. Where will he pop up next? Nobody knows … except maybe Maggie. Hopefully his next host will follow the KillBarney Tour rules and let us know when he arrives before spilling the beans. 😉

Jerry opens 2007 Christmas singing Barney present in Vero Beach, FL

Where has Barney been and which Tripawds members has he met so far? Check the KillBarney Tour map!

Barney packs his coat and heads for Maine!

Maggie takes Barney for a walk in the Snow in Lake Portage, Maine and KillBarney reviews the rules of engagement for the KillBarney Tour.

Well, this isn’t exactly how it’s supposed to work, but Barney had such a pawsome visit with Maggie in Maine that we’ll let it slide.

You can see Maggie’s latest blog post to read all about the fun time they had at the Can Am 250 Mile Sled Dog Race, and see a video of Barney riding Maggie in the snow.

You can also find out where Barney got his new winter coat, and what the Maggies have in common!

With that said, lets recap some rules of engagement here:

  • The Killbarney Tour is a stealth operation
  • Recipients of Barney should email Jerry or a send PM to Admin with a few words about their visit along with a photo.
  • Killbarney will then update his Tour Map and publish a post here announcing the latest stop.
  • After that, members can then follow up with more details and photos in their own blog. (Non-blogging members can feel free to submit up to three photos.)
  • PM the member of your choice to receive Barney next to get their mailing address, and send him on his way in a timely manner.
  • Be sure to sign the trip journal included with Barney, and feel free to add a memento from your home town.*
  • The host Tripawd to draw first blood shall have his/her people mend Barney, and add a needle with  a spool of heavy duty thread to the box.
  • Other than that, anything goes!
  • Get creative with your KillBarney photo opportunities, or make a video.
  • Play by the rules and no one gets hurt … except maybe Barney! 🙂

*Once a few trinkets are in the box, we could treat this like a geo cache with each new host keeping an item and replacing it with something of their own. We don’t want that box getting too heavy!

Barney Hangs Out With Tri-Pug Maggie

Three legged pug Maggie hosts Barney for some quality couch time in Livermore, CA.

Barney came to visit us in Livermore, California from Gerry in Madison Wisconsin.

When Gerry’s mom Bri asked us if we could entertain Barney she said she had seen a sign! While doing the Barney photo shoot outside the Great Dane Pub (Nova was before Gerry) she saw someone walking two pugs and she just knew that Maggie the pug had to be next!

Maggie has been a little under the weather these past few weeks, not quite as energetic as usual. When Barney got here I must say she was not that excited to play with him. So Barney’s visit turned into him just hanging out as part of the pug pack. I even sort of look at him as a good luck charm now. I know this goes against the whole KILLBARNEY world tour thing. But he has survived Maximutt, Caira Sue, Nova, and Gerry, not to mention THE Jerry. He has made several cross country trips and never lost his luggage!! I’m not sure I know anyone luckier than that. And I must admit that I don’t harbor the Barney hatred that some have. For the people I hung out with the little purple guy you loved or hated was Prince! Maybe my attitude rubbed off on Maggie a bit.

So Barney was just one of the pugs – he slept with us at night, went to the dog park (in the stroller) even went to a couple of vet visits, although he waited in the truck – no sense picking up any germs! He visited my parent’s house, where the girls spend a lot of time. He helped me do our first sub-Q liquids at home. And he brought some really nice early spring weather. I kind of hate to send Barney on his way – but he needs to get back on the real KILLBARNEY tour. Hopefully his next host is ready to rock and roll!!!

See Maggie’s blog for more details and pictures, and stay tuned to find out where Barney ends up next.

Like that sweet ride of Maggie’s? Check out the selection of strollers for dogs large and small in the Tripawds Gear blog!