Holly Hosts the KillBarney Tour

The KillBarney Traveling Tripawds Barney Tour stops in Clarendon Hills, IL for a visit with Holly Jolly By Golly and ZuZu.

Attention  KillBarney Fans: This just in from Holly Jolly By Golly!

We’ve sure been having fun with Barney here in Clarendon Hills!  Let’s see… where did our adventure start?

Holly and ZuZu welcome Barney

Well, both Holly and Zuzu were quite excited to help open the box… and Zuzu was the one who pulled Barney out of the package.  While on the surface it looks like Zuzu did the most damage – she continued to gnaw on his eye…(which I think Ginger had started) but was unsuccessful in making him a cyclops – in reality I think Holly did such an amazing job at scrambling Barney’s brains that she did more damage overall.  Holly did the terrier thing of shaking him to within an inch of his life!  So we now think that in addition to his external scars and bruises, Barney has scrambled brains.  (check out the dumb smile he still has, though!)

The girls took Barney outside on a nice day, and he ended up climbing into the tomato plants to escape the torture.  Unfortunately, Zuzu decided she wanted some of Gayles juju, so she ate one of the socks that Charon made for Barney.  At first I thought I could repair it, but now I think I need to knit him another one.  I’ll take care of that tonight.

We took Barney to Morton Arboretum, where he got left in a maze and was heard yelling for help for miles around!

We also took him into Chicago, but the pictures from that trip didn’t turn out because it was night and you couldn’t see any of the landmarks in the background.  Except when he climbed onto a Chicago Tribune news dispenser. ok – I can’t seem to attach the picture with the tribune thing.  🙁  Maybe my attachments got too fat!

Both girls were incredibly obsessed with Barney’s feet.  They kept asking me if his feet smelled like fritos.  We’re all wondering if Opie passed that along to him…And there’s a picture of Zuzu and Barney eating orange stuff – the orange stuff is the pupcorn that Ginger sent to Zuzu and Holly!

As you can see, the girls had a great time with the purple beast.  But it’s time to pass him along to the next lucky tripawd.

Thanks for all the fun!  Stay tuned to Holly’s blog for complete details and more photos from Barney’s visit…

— Holly, Zuzu and Susan

PS: As I was writing this, Barney was sitting on the kitchen table and Zuzu was whimpering for “one last time” with the purple dinosaur! 🙂

Barney Hides from Holly and ZuZu

Barney Is MIA Once Again

Want Barney to pay a visit to your tripawd on the KillBarney Tour? Here’s a reminder of how the tour works and hint for how you might host him next.

Where, oh where has Barney gone?

Where, oh where could he be?

Codie Rae and Smokey Fight over Barney

What will be the next stop on the KillBarney Tour? Only Ginger knows.

Where has the tour taken our little purple nemesis in the past? That’s easy, just check the KillBarney Tour map to see which Tripawds members have played host to Jerry’s traveling Barney doll.

How to Get Visit from Barney

Members have asked to be put on the list for a visit from Barney, but it’s not that simple. Here’s a quick refresher on how the tour works: Whoever receives Barney decides where he will go next.

So, the best way to try and sink your teeth into Barney is to make as many Tripawds friends as you can, and stay tuned to this blog to find out where he lands next. As soon as you know where he is, consider sending a PM to Barney’s host stating why you would be the best choice for his next stop on the tour.

Or, plead your case in this I Want Barney forum topic where any hosts wondering where to send Barney can choose from members hoping to sink their teeth into his purple fuzz.

Ginger Has Drawn First Fuzz!

Ginger has drawn first fuzz, attempting to blind Barney but only getting as far as one eye.

Let’s hear it for Ginger!

This just in from the KillBarney Tour

Barney’s visit to Pontiac, IL is almost over.  I don’t know if he had a good time or not – but I had a lot of fun torturing him 🙂

We showed him around our town, which as you will see, we are very proud of.  He came along to the office to help Daddy work on Saturday morning.  He was even here to go to the dog pawty at my cancer hospital.

I know Comet will be proud – I was chewing on his head when all of a sudden, white stuffing started coming out of his eye.  Oops!  My pawrents got him an eye patch so he could say he was just getting a jump on his Halloween costume – but I know the truth.  Mommy is going to try to sew him up for the next tripawd.

Be sure to check Ginger’s blog soon for all the gory details! As the KillBarney Tour rules dictate, Barney will get stitched up before heading on his way with needle and thread in the box. (Some good member may wish to remove Barney’s remaining eye for safety’s sake. We all know what can happen once the fuzz starts to fly, and Tripawds is not responsible for any unattended choking hazards)

Barney Says Stay Tuned

While we wait for word from Barney on tour, enjoy a short video of four legged Jerry enlisting Barney’s help to hit a rather noisy ball.

We got a message from Barney, but all he said was that he has arrived safely at his current stop on the KillBarney Tour and that there are big plans in store for him there. When asked what we should tell all his waiting fans, he told us to show another one of Jerry’s movies.

So, here’s another pre-Tripawds favorite … short but sweet:

Stay tuned to hear all about Barney’s latest adventure. Or, check out all the fun he’s had with other tripawds.

Barney Learns to Knit, and Nap

Barney visits East Tennessee Gayle and earns his keep.

Big news about Barney! This just in from etgayle

Barney Knits Gayle JuJu SocksBarney came to visit us in East Tennessee, after a wonderful spa vacation with Fortis.

From the first, he said he wanted to ‘earn his keep’, so we put him to work. He helped make dinner for the girls, even learned to knit ‘gayle juju’ socks. Once he had them made, he refused to take them off (those piggies are starting to stink…)

He also helped outside doing yard work where he could, but there were a few challenges.

Mostly gayle watched him work, showing her true supervisory skills. She tried to educate the little purple dude on the fine art of ‘the nap’. But it took a little bit for him to figure out how to really master it…

East Tennessee Gayle and Barney

We’ve got a bunch of pictures we’ll put in our next blog post … some are not pretty. Barney is scheduled to head out for his next engagement on the KillBarney Tour later this week – another Tripawds member is anxious for a visit!!! Bon voyage little workman!!!