Barney Learns to Knit, and Nap

Barney visits East Tennessee Gayle and earns his keep.

Big news about Barney! This just in from etgayle

Barney Knits Gayle JuJu SocksBarney came to visit us in East Tennessee, after a wonderful spa vacation with Fortis.

From the first, he said he wanted to ‘earn his keep’, so we put him to work. He helped make dinner for the girls, even learned to knit ‘gayle juju’ socks. Once he had them made, he refused to take them off (those piggies are starting to stink…)

He also helped outside doing yard work where he could, but there were a few challenges.

Mostly gayle watched him work, showing her true supervisory skills. She tried to educate the little purple dude on the fine art of ‘the nap’. But it took a little bit for him to figure out how to really master it…

East Tennessee Gayle and Barney

We’ve got a bunch of pictures we’ll put in our next blog post … some are not pretty. Barney is scheduled to head out for his next engagement on the KillBarney Tour later this week – another Tripawds member is anxious for a visit!!! Bon voyage little workman!!!