Did you know it? Opie is a poet.

nova and barney kissing in a tree poem by tripawds member opie

That Opie is too funny! 🙂

We just had to share his comment on Barney’s visit with Queen Nova of Tripawds. No word yet as to where she has deployed our little fluffy foe.

BWAAAHHHahahahahahahahahahasnort. Nova loves Barney. Nova loves Barney.

Nova and Barney sittin’ on a bunk
Nova thinks Barney is a hunk

First comes slobber
then comes kisses
Now there sits Nova
and Barney she misses.

Forget about him, Nova. He’s purple, he’s spitty, he probably smells bad by now…you can do better.
~ Opie

Barney Appears Before The Queen

The Killbarney Tour takes Barney to Linden, MI for an Appearance with Queen Nova of Tripawds.

Barney Surfaces in Linden, MI for an Appearance with the Queen

Barney arrives in Linden, MichiganHey! It’s Barney here. Boy, that Caira Sue the Batdog really did a number on me. I couldn’t wait to get out of California. Levitating, being torn limb from limb, and being passed over for a silly tennis ball was NOT FUN. But I was worried. When Caira Sue’s mom was packing me up in the box, I heard Caira Sue say, “Mom, please send that silly purple dinosaur far, far, away. Someplace cold and yucky, awful, to a state where no one would EVER want to live.” I knew that Caira Sue’s mom was really smart, because she said she knew just the place. But of course she did not tell me, I just heard her write the address on the box when I was inside.

I went on a very long ride on an airplane across the country and landed in Flint, MI. I couldn’t think of any Tripawds that lived in Flint, so wondered where I might end up. But I could tell this place was cold, wet, dreary. I rode around in a mail truck all day and was deposited in the garage of some house in the country in a small town called Linden, where I sat all day until the owners came home. I heard the knife start to cut the box and started to cringe. Oh gosh, oh gee, this place was going to be AWFUL, I just knew it.

Nova welcomes Barney to Linden, MI

The box opened and there was a friendly lady’s face smiling at me. Whew! But then suddenly these two MONSTERS appeared, these two huge slobbering BEASTS. I had never seen dogs so HUGE. One had four legs and was sizing me up like she was ready to eat me right then and there. The other, the 3-legged awful, hairy beast with a head the size of Texas buried her face in my chest, trying to drown me in slobber and lick me to death. Ohhhhhh noooooo! I knew this just had to be the end. She must be just trying to soften me up to swallow me whole.

“Barney,” the lady said, “Meet my Great Danes Emmy and Nova. Nova is a Tripawd, but she is blind, so she is going to want to lick and sniff you to get to know you.” Oh man. You should have seen it. These monstrous beasts had the biggest, most awful-looking fangs ever. Their heads were enormous. My whole body could fit in their mouths. I was sure they were going to eat me right then and there.

Queen Nova kisses Barney“Don’t worry, Barney,” said the man. “We call these girls the “House Cats”. They may look scary to you, but you will find them to be the most loving, gentle beasts you will ever meet.” REEEALLLLYYY! HA! Well, poo poo on you, Caira Sue! You thought you were sending me to a horrible place, and your Mom was only half right. True, Michigan in general pretty much sucks. Yet hidden there is this quiet country town, nestled in a peaceful pine forest, a little ray of sunshine shines on a big ‘ol hunk of burning Barney love named NOVA. Nah, nah, nah, nah, NAH, nah!!

Barney naps with Queen Nova of TripawdsNova snatched me up right away and went hopping off. “Oh Barney, I love you, I love you, I love you!” she said, “I can’t wait for you to meet all my stuffy friends, my jackelope, my lion, bear, bunny rabbit, moose, and more. I’m gonna kiss you, and hug you, and squeeze you, and love you, share my bones with you, we’re gonna take naps together, and we’ll be the bestest of friends forever and ever!”

This was MY kind of Tripawd!

Somebody told me once that Nova was known as the Queen… Queen Nova of Tripawds. We’ll they weren’t kidding. This Tripawd lives high on the hog and spends much of her day sitting on her throne (more like reclining on it), surrounded by her subjects (all the stuffed animals listed above), served her food in raised silver bowls, and has her own lady-in-waiting who caters to her every need. Nova just talks or howls when she needs something, and the lady comes running in to give her special eyedrops and medicines all the time, and these special wonder pills with cancer-killing mushrooms in them. That Nova’s got this lady wrapped around her finger!

Barney naps with Queen Nova of TripawdsA grumpy teenager saw me, and started to rib Nova. “You are the QUEEN, Nova! You must do what Queens do, which is say “Off with his head!” Nova would have nothing of it, though. I think she was already in love with me! “Oh fine, Nova, get involved with a commoner then. Next thing you know you’ll be abdicating your throne for the dinosaur you love,” he snickered as he stalked off. Nova told me to not mind him. Her brother had a bad experience with me when his Mom would make him watch my videos all the time when he was little.

Queen Nova takes Barney Everywhere

Nova wanted to take me EVERYWHERE, even outside to go potty. Apparently, her usual custom is to drop her stuffy at the door before going outside, but she insisted on carrying me in her mouth outside while she did her business. Ooooooookay! Then she took me to her private quarters (aka her brother’s bunk bed) and we spent some private time together, away from all the other stuffies. Can you imagine? We just MET and already I am in the Queen’s bed. I could tell the other stuffies were sooooo jealous. I just KNEW that this was the type of woman who loved to hear “I love you” on a first date!

Nova wants Barney to stay in Linden, MIThe only trouble now is that I am not sure Nova is ever going let me leave. She told me she wants to keep me as a permanent member of her court, which we both know is not what’s meant to be. I heard her lady-in-waiting telling her that soon I will need to move on to other Tripawds. I am a travelin’ man, you know. Nova understands although I can tell her heart is broken. We really had something going. But duty calls, to both of us. Her duty is to be Queen, and mine is to meet, love, and be abused by as many Tripawds as I can.

Nova and I had one last sweet night together that we both will treasure forever. And she told me that she knew just the perfect place to send me next. So I will be hitting the road very, very soon.

Thanks for the wonderful memories, sweet Queen Nova! All Hail Queen Nova! Dog Save the Queen!

Maximutt Meets Barney on the Beach

Three legged dog Maximutt meets Barney on the dog beach in Newport Beach with fellow Tripawds Blogs community members

Before Barney headed out for his first stop on the Killbarney Tour, he made a stop in Santa Barbara to meet up with a few Tripawds members, including miracle dog Maximutt and his pack.

Barney Meets Maximutt in Newport Beach, CA

Caira Sue Kicks Off Killbarney Tour

Caira Sue plays plays with Barney at Sherman Island

The first stop on the Killbarney Tour was a visit to the beach with Caira Sue in California …

Barney hides from Caira Sue at Sherman Island

Caira Sue received a coffee pot in the mail. It wasn’t really a coffee pot. It was Barney, hiding in a coffee pot box!

Barney came to visit us, so we thought we would take him to one of Caira’s favorite places to go. Sherman Island.

Caira Sue pulls Barney from Adam

I don’t think he realized Caira Sue was going too. He attempted to hide a few times, but she found him anyway. At one point it looked like Adam and she were going to pull that guy from limb to limb! Another time it appeared that Caira was heading into the water to drown him. Poor Barney. But then something amazing happened – Barney levitated! No really! He did!

Barney levitates for Caira Sue

Caira finally lost interest in Barney and started playing with her ball…Barney got to sit on the sidelines and watch…I think I heard him sigh with relief.

He may have sighed too soon, however. When we were almost to the car, Caira grabbed Barney from my hands and ran across the street to the rocks! It was like she was saying “This creature isn’t getting back in the car with us!!!” She bounced him all over the rocks, and had Adam and I laughing til tears were coming down our faces. It was the funniest thing, ever!

Caira Sue attempts to drown Barney

Adam said that we now understand why the blog is called Killbarney.

Who’s next?

Killbarney Tour Coming Soon!

Barney Tour begins with Tripawds members around the world,

Barney has some exciting news about a fun feature coming soon to the Killbarney blog … Barney’s tour is about to begin!

Stay tuned for guest posts featuring one of Jerry’s favorite Barney dolls in photos with Tripawds members around the world. Barney’s first stop was a recent visit with Caira Sue. And we hear those two had some fun on the beach. Stay tuned for details!

Where will Barney end up next? Only Caira Sue knows! But once he gets there, we’ll be sure to let you know here. Here’s how it works… whoever receives Barney must send us a photo of him together with their tripawd. Include a few words about the visit, and we’ll publish a Killbarney post about the adventure. Tripawds Bloggers can then follow up with more photos and details about the visit in their own blog.

They must then forward Barney onto another Tripawds member, in a timely manner. Simply send someone a PM (Private Message) in the forums to see if they’re interested and get their mailing address. Inside the box is a journal for keeping track of where Barney has been.

Over time, we will all get to see Barney with Tripawds members everywhere. And we’ll see how he holds up! If Barney loses a limb – or two– it’s noting a little needle and thread can’t fix before he gets back in the box.

Once we post the photos here in the Killbarney blog, members with their own blogs should post a follow-up with additional details and more photos, linking back to the original Killbarney post. Any questions?

OK. For clarification then, we present…

The KillBarney Tour Rules of Engagement:

  • The Killbarney Tour is a stealth operation
  • Recipients of Barney should email Jerry or asend PM to Admin with a few words about their visit along with a photo.
  • Killbarney will then update his Tour Map and publish a post here announcing the latest stop.
  • After that, members can then follow up with more details and photos in their own blog. (Non-blogging members can feel free to submit up to three photos.)
  • PM the member of your choice to receive Barney next to get their mailing address, and send him on his way in a timely manner.
  • Be sure to sign the trip journal included with Barney, and feel free to add a memento from your home town.*
  • The host Tripawd to draw first blood shall have his/her people mend Barney, and add a needle with  a spool of heavy duty thread to the box.
  • Other than that, anything goes!
  • Get creative with your KillBarney photo opportunities, or make a video.
  • Play by the rules and no one gets hurt … except maybe Barney! :-)

*Once a few trinkets are in the box, we could treat this like a geo cache with each new host keeping an item and replacing it with something of their own. We don’t want that box getting too heavy!