KillBarney Tour announces changes, adds mini-Barney for the enjoyment of overseas Tripawds community members.
The KillBarney Tour is officially all dressed up and ready to go everywhere!
When we started the KillBarney Tour, we had no idea that it would become so popular and would touch the lives of so many Tripawds and their people. Over two years later, Barney and his giant suitcase have traveled throughout North America and even over to England.
You can see he’s already traveled far and wide, but we thought it would be great if even more Tripawds members around the globe could become a part of the KillBarney Tour experience.

Meet Travelin’ Barney
When Barney returned to Tripawds headquarters for a visit with Spokesdawg Wyatt Ray, he convinced Jerry’s pack to send off his smaller, singing cousin, “Travelin’ Barney.” We are hoppy to announce that now there are two of Spirit Jerry’s favorite Barney dolls traveling around the world, terrorizing Tripawds everywhere!

This Barney might be smaller in stature than the original, but he is also covered in Jerry slobber too, and is perfectly suited for overseas travel. In his suitcase, we have packed 1/2 of all the goodies that previous hosts have added to the tour. Travelin’ Barney wants to visit foreign friends, like Tripawds UK members, so we made sure his suitcase is light enough to keep him affordably globetrotting to places outside North America.

In addition to having Barney’s cousin join the tour, we also made two copies of the original KillBarney Tour journal – featuring the notes of all those Tripawds Barney has visited. We’ve also included a new Tripawds Journal in each box so future tour hosts can add their own experience to “The Barney Chronicles, Volume II.”
Both Barneys are now on the way to their next stops on the KillBarney Tour, all dressed up in their Bret Michaels Pets Rock dresses and ready to pawty!

If you want to host either Barney, here are the rules. If you want Barney to pay a visit, post your request here in the Forums. Be sure to indicate where you are located and keep in mind these important notes:
- Travelin’ Barney is intended for oveseas members
- Upon receipt of the box, tour participants must keep one Barney tour item
- Recipients must replace the kept item with a small, lightweight memento
- Help us keep the box the same size, to keep shipping costs down
We hope everyone will get to host these special little guys at some point. Reading about other folks’ Tripawds adventures is a warm-fuzzy experience not to be missed, and including your own Tripawds’ Barney adventures adds to the heartfelt journal that brings hoppy tears to the eyes of so many in this community.
And now, without further adieu, we bid the Barneys farewell again and look forward to following their adventures with three legged dogs around the world. Stay tuned to hear find out which Tripawds members will hosting Barney next!